List of Departmantal Committees

The purpose of the committee is to advise on how departmental leadership can be supported and enhanced in their administrative and faculty governance responsibilities. The committees work on all aspects of academic operations for the smooth functioning of the department.


The DAC will have wide responsibility for oversight of all matters related to

  • Student Admissions (Cat A, Cat B, ECET)
  • Student Results Analysis (Regular, Supplementary)
  • Time Tables
  • Department Academic Calender and List of holidays
  • Schedule of Events to be organised
  • Examinations
  • Professional Body Memberships and Activities
  • Faculty Leave Status
  • Any other Academic issues
  • Dr. N.V. Ramana Murthy (HoD & Chair)
  • Dr. Bh. Padma (Coordinator)
  • Dr. G.R.S.Murthy (Member)
  • Dr. D Chandravathi (Member)
  • Dr. K.N. Brahmaji Rao (Member)
  • Sri G. Klayan Chakravarthi (Member)
  • Mrs. L. Pratibha (Member)
  • Mr. M. Anil(Member)


To provide a two-way channel of communication between staff and all sections of the student cohort regarding all aspects of the student learning experience through

  • Periodical Syllabus Review
  • Academic relevant issues represented by students
  • Student Progress
  • Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM)
  • Counselors Allocation
  • Identifying specific problems of students staying away from parents or in hostel
  • Updating the faculty of any specific problem, issue of event like hospitalization or accident etc.
  • Dr.N.V.Ramana Murty (HoD & Chair)
  • Dr. K.N. Brahmaji Rao (Coordinator)
  • All the Class Teachers of B.Tech II/IV, III/IV, IV/IV. (Coordinator)
  • All the Class Representatives (CR) of B.Tech II/IV, III/IV, IV/IV. (Members)
  • Student Members from all the B.Tech II/IV, III/IV, IV/IV. (Members)


DPRC pays close attention to the quality of Student projects. Students are divided into groups and propose an idea and solution(s) for a real-world problem. The idea should be brand new, and the solution should be innovative. This necessitates good planning for potential time and effort. Additionally, the graduation project is deemed to be a good test for the student. It reveals students problem-solving skills and capabilities. DPRC is charged with the responsibility of reviewing the following

  • Identification & Finalization of Student Projects Groups
  • Allocation of Project Guides
  • Projects issued by industry
  • To finalize list of projects and their synopsis
  • Project Review Schedules
  • Review and approve the projects
  • Project Rules and Regulations & Project Assessment
  • Implemented projects should be properly saved and documented for future use and display of strength of the department.
  • Dr. N.V. Ramana Murthy (HoD & Chair)
  • Sri. G. Kalyan Chakravarthi (Coordinator)
  • Dr.G.R.S.Murthy (Member)
  • Dr.Bh.Padma (Member)
  • Dr. D Chandravathi (Member)
  • Dr. K.N. Brahmaji Rao (Member)
  • Respective Project Guides (At the time of Review)


DPC envisages an ideal interface between industry requirements and student aspirations, in that the right person for the right job is ensured. Making sure the industry benefits from the students, in terms of taking up roles and responsibilities and contributing to the growth of the Department and organization. Other responsibilities of DPC including

  • To ensure 100% placements to eligible students
  • Maintain the good liaison with the recruiters
  • To ensure Internships to all the students
  • To develop strong analytical and competitive skills by arranging various training programs
  • Get in touch with corporate, start-ups for different sectors and tap in opportunities
  • Conduct Mock Placement Drives
  • Creating awareness among students towards higher studies
  • Regular Visits to Companies
  • Dr. N.V. Ramana Murthy (HoD & Chair)
  • Dr. D Chandravathi (Coordinator)
  • Sri G. Kalyan Chakravarthi (Member)
  • Mr. M. Anil (Member)


DIC Committee is responsible for maintaining the total infrastructure of the Department (AC’s, Fans, Desktop Computers, monitors, keyboards, mouses, Laptops, Printers, Scanners, Routers, and any other equipment in all Labs, faculty staff rooms etc…)

Other major responsibilities of DIC including:
  • Proper maintenance activity of the labs must be held every week / once in two weeks.
  • Software related to each lab must be properly loaded in systems in which that particular lab is scheduled.
  • To ensure all systems working in proper manner.
  • To ensure all keyboards and mouse are allocated to every system.
  • To see that software renewals will be done before the due date.
  • Conduct Mock Stock Verification expert visits
  • Dr. N.V. Ramana Murthy (HoD & Chair)
  • Dr.G.R.S.Murthy (Coordinator)
  • Dr. D.S.S.N. Raju (Member)
  • Sri R. Kanaka Raju (Member)
  • Sri S. Arun Kumar (Member)
  • Ms. D.M.V. Priya (Member)
  • Sri D.V. Murali Krishna (Member)